From Barika camp with Syrian women in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Iraq

October 2nd 2017.
Today, MicroCamp Radio is in Barika camp

This camp is  in Suleymanie Governorate and welcomes Syrian Kurdish refugees.

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The participants today are only women, and most of them have children. When we arrive, they say that they are surprised to be the ones to participate to the radio workshop: “you should have invited young people, they have more things to say and love media!” They say. But we reply that we are very pleased to discuss with older women, as we have few occasions to meet them. In fact, mothers usually mostly stay in the household, so their voices have few chances to be heard outside.

So today, while their children play on their knees, Syrian mothers speak about their childhood, daily life in a refugee camp in Iraq, and their future.

Their laughs, reflections, and intimate conversations are to listen here, in Kurdish and English !