Poetesse ecrivaine et horticultrice
Débat entre collègiens sur l’égalité
Radio Activité is an itinerant radio station that develops radio workshops. We offer a pedagogical tool to enable everyone to create their own radio programs. Our workshops travel in France and abroad in social centres, theatres, schools, prisons, festivals, retirement homes and refugee camps with our MicroCamp radio project.
Because we are Nigerian
Stop au silence : justice pour les violences
Mauvaise habitude
soninké, rap et radio
It aims to gather participants around the creation of a live radio program, on a topic of their choice. Participants are the journalists, speakers, interviewers and interviewees of their broadcast.
They open a space of dialogue to share, speak, and think through radio.We have already held workshops in 9 differents countries in Europe, Africa and Middle East in formal and informal camps, and housing centres with participants from different origins with various local partners