Extracts from Daratu community centre – Judy Organization for Relief and Development

October 5th, 2017.

Today, the radio workshop takes place in Daratu, in the community center held by Judy Organization for Relief and Development.

This organization was created by people from Syria who wanted to volunteer for communities of refugees and Internally displaced people. They are extremely motivated and focused on the dialogue between communities.

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Mohamed warmly welcomes  us. He works in this community center providing activities and administrative help for displaced people and refugees. Few minutes before the start of the workshop, he helps us to translate some specific questions from English to Arabic. He also brings us to one of the best food corners of the district, in order to try some delightful Falafel.

All the people are on time and happy to make their own radio program. Most of them have been living in Daratu since they left Syria or Western Iraq. There is M. Rôdi a musician, and M. Fauzi a poet who comes with his wife. She is a former craftswoman.

For their radio show, they wish to talk about children education and voluntary work.

Here, you can listen to some extracts of the program :

Live from Daratu دارتو – Judy Organization for Relief and Development 2

October 5th, 2017.

Today, the radio workshop takes place in Daratu, in the community center held by Judy Organization for Relief and Development.

This organization was created by people from Syria who wanted to volunteer for communities of refugees and Internally displaced people. They are extremely motivated and focused on the dialogue between communities.

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Mohamed warmly welcomes  us. He works in this community center providing activities and administrative help for displaced people and refugees. Few minutes before the start of the workshop, he helps us to translate some specific questions from English to Arabic. He also brings us to one of the best food corners of the district, in order to try some delightful Falafel.

All the people are on time and happy to make their own radio program. Most of them have been living in Daratu since they left Syria or Western Iraq. There is M. Rôdi a musician, and M. Fauzi a poet who comes with his wife. She is a former craftswoman.

For their radio show, they wish to talk about children education, voluntary work and the independence of Kurdistan.

This last topic is on the agenda : the day after, a referendum will take place to say yes or no to the independence. They are very enthusiastic about it and most of them will be observers of the vote.

Here, you can listen to the whole program :



en direct du village de Lespinassière


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Boutton play

L'école à la maison

Boutton play

20 décembre 2017. Aujourd’hui, Radio Activité est à Lespinassière en France, dans le département de l’Aude en Occitanie.

Il est 14h30 lorsque les premiers participants de l’atelier radio entrent dans « Les Ardeillès », le café-épicerie-restaurant avec ses deux grandes fenêtres qui donnent une vue imprenable sur La Montagne noire. C’est une après-midi fraiche et ensoleillée. Antoine branche les derniers cables. Les chaises se remplissent et Isabelle sert quelques cafés.

Angello, Fleur et Olivier sont trois enfants venus de villages voisins (Citou, Sales et Saint-Aman Soult) pour participer à l’atelier. Estelle les accompagne. Elle a choisi d’inclure l’atelier radio dans leur programme d’école à la maison. Charles, maire du village est lui venu avec deux de ses enfants : Emilie et Yoan.

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David, Stephan et Christèle, habitant.es de Lespinassière participent aussi. Ils s’installent autour de la table sur laquelle sont disposés trois micros. Muguette est aussi présente. Elle reste que quelques minutes, juste le temps de  raconter son premier souvenir radiophonique : l’écoute d’émissions politiques, bases d’intenses discussions entre ses parents et leurs ami.es ouvriers dans les années 1970.

Les participants sont au complet ! Des observateurs se posteront toute l’après-midi au comptoir du café, prêtant une oreille fine aux échanges radiophoniques.

Après le récit des premiers souvenirs radiophoniques à base de jeu des mille euros et d’écoutes dans la voiture en famille,  Olivier anime gaiement un premier test d’émission consacré au sucré-salé et à une glace verte jambon-beurre de son invention. Ce sont les premiers moments radiophoniques des participants.

Il est décidé de nommer l’émission, “l’Avis de la Montagne”. Les  thémathiques sont rapidement choisies et c’est parti… Le direct est lancé!

Photos de Cathy Ribot

Yoan anime et distribue la parole. Il ouvre avec une météo rocambolesque (attention aux crues) puis oriente vers un échange intime sur la vie au milieu de la Montagne noire.

Le programme est ensuite composé de rubrique cuisine et littérature et nous emmène dans les recoins étonnants de la vie de chacun car les participants parlent des violences entre frères et sœurs puis de la liberté.

Il est 17h et l’émission se conclue sur un sujet choisi par Emilie : l’école. Radio Activité vous recommande d’écouter cet échange riche !

 L’émission en intégralité :

From Barika camp with Syrian women in Sulaymaniyah Governorate, Iraq

October 2nd 2017.
Today, MicroCamp Radio is in Barika camp

This camp is  in Suleymanie Governorate and welcomes Syrian Kurdish refugees.

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The participants today are only women, and most of them have children. When we arrive, they say that they are surprised to be the ones to participate to the radio workshop: “you should have invited young people, they have more things to say and love media!” They say. But we reply that we are very pleased to discuss with older women, as we have few occasions to meet them. In fact, mothers usually mostly stay in the household, so their voices have few chances to be heard outside.

So today, while their children play on their knees, Syrian mothers speak about their childhood, daily life in a refugee camp in Iraq, and their future.

Their laughs, reflections, and intimate conversations are to listen here, in Kurdish and English !


Basirma refugee camp in Erbil Governorate, Iraq


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Bella Ciao kurde

Boutton play

October 8th 2017
Today, MicroCamp Radio workshop is in Basirma Camp

The camp is one hour drive north-east from Erbil. On the way, near the city of  Shaqlawa, the ochre mountains appear in the landscape.

This camp has been settled in 2011. Since then, it welcomes 3084 refugees from Syria. Inhabitants say that they feel very far from the city, and this makes it difficult to get a job for example.

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We drink tea with M. Said Ibrahim, the camp manager. He is happy to welcome a radio workshop in Basirma and to broadcast information about life here.

We settle the radio workshop in the community centre. There, we talk and play music, thanks to Ali. He has brought his Bağlama and plays with his children Mohammed.

We also talk about war in Syria, politics, and Europe.

This passionating, long program gives us an exceptional insight into reflections and feelings of Syrians in exile in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

The integral podcast to listen here :

Live from Turaq community center with Judy Organization for Relief and Development

October 7th 2017

Today, MicroCamp Radio is in Turaq, a village not far from Erbil in Judy Organization community center.

Judy Organization for Relief and Development, an NGO managed by Syrian refugees, runs a community centre in Turaq. This house in the village gathers Syrian refugees, internally displaced people and members of the host community.

We settle the workshop in an activity room with paintings on the wall. In another classroom, the NGO Qandil gives a training about legal issues for around 40 adults. Everybody seems focused and interested.

During our discussion, important questions arise. An issue for Syrian Kurds is how to find an arabic school in Erbil. As their children have started going to arabic schools in Syria, they would like to go on with this language ; but as Kurds, it is difficult for them to go to arabic schools here. We go on discussing about having children, and daily life in a family as refugees.

Two 20-years-old ladies get very committed and share their thoughts as young syrian refugees and mothers.

Listen to this fascinating program in the integral podcast here :

Live from Harsham camp – “Hope in the Camp”

19.09.2017. Today, MicroCamp Radio workshop is in Harsham camp. 

We hold two workshops in the day. During the first session in the morning, participants name their program “Hope in the camp”.

Harsham camp, located not far from Erbil, welcomes 1,500 internally displaced Iraqis from cities of North-West Iraq such as Mosul and Sinjar. They fled because of the Islamic State.

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We are warmly welcomed by the camp manager who sits in an office at the entrance of this camp managed by The Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF).

The morning when we arrive, a distribution of food and other items is taking place. Families come to take their packs for the week.

In 2014, when this camp was settled, conditions where hard. For example, there was 1 bathroom for 7 families. Families lived in tents and during the rainy season, water was entering in the shelters. Since that time, situation has improved. People live in caravans of 3 by 5 meters. There is generally electricity, although sometimes the generator runs out, and plenty of facilities like a golden container named Shared Studios in which one can communicate with people around the world and a brand new football stadium.

From the prefabricated housing where we discuss with Hihab, Kram, Samir, Réma, Raïma & Shénar, we hear people chatting outside.

Inside, we discuss about daily life in an IDP camp: status of women, food distributions, languages, cooking, sports…

Through their voices, we learn about their lives, their reflections, their wishes.

Listen to the integral program here :

Live from Daratoo – Judy Organization for Relief and Development

October 5th 2017,
Today, we are in the community center held by Judy Organization for Relief and Development. This organization was created by young Syrians who wanted to volunteer for communities of refugees and IDPs. They are extremely motivated and focused on the dialogue between communities.

In Daratoo, a district in the suburbs of Erbil, Judy organization manages a community center which gathers Syrian refugees, IDPs and members of the host community. The centre is open on the outside and organizes different activities.


In the afternoon, we are with a group of women, Iraqis as well as Syrian. They wish to speak about forced child labor, and also about political issues as the referendum for the independence of Kurdistan is to take place the day after. They are very enthusiastic about it and most of them will be observers of the vote.




This very rich women-only program is to listen integrally here in English, Arabic and Kurdish :

  Translator : Muhammad.

Ecole française de Sulaymaniyah

1er Octobre 2017

Aujourd’hui, nous sommes à l’école française de Souleymanieh. Cette ville du sud du Kurdistan est le fief de l’opposition dans le pays, et se distingue par les cafés littéraires qui ornent les rues, son atmosphère étudiante et artistique. L’école française accueille environ 200 étudiants.

Nous rassemblons les élèves de quatrième et de troisième. Ils veulent parler de la vie d’adolescent, de l’amour, un peu de politique. De jeux vidéo et de foot. Et enfin, de l’égalité entre les filles et les garçons. C’est parti pour une émission haute en couleurs !

Live from Harsham camp : Afternoon program

September 19th 2017
Today, MicroCamp Radio workshop is in Harsham camp.

This camp located not far from Erbil welcomes 1,500 internally displaced Iraqis from cities of North-West Iraq such as Mosul and Sinjar. They fled because of the Islamic State.

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We are warmly welcomed by the camp manager who sits in an office at the entrance of this camp managed by The Barzani Charity Foundation (BCF).

The morning when we arrive, a distribution of food and other items is taking place. Families come to take their packs for the week.

In 2014, when this camp was settled, conditions where hard. For example, there was 1 bathroom for 7 families. Houses were tents and during the rainy season, water was entering in the shelters. Since then, situation has improved. People live in caravans of 3 by 5 meters. There is generally electricity, although sometimes the generator runs out, and plenty of facilities like a brand new football stadium and a golden container named Shared Studios in which one can communicate with people around the world.

We set the radio studio in a prefabricated housing at the entrance of the camp with Nesrin, Haida, Fatima, Shereen, Hani, Houda, Jasmina, Sohad, Sabiha, Hasma and Alya. They are all women who are neighbours in the camp. Their children play around us, climbing on their knees, running around. In the warmth of the afternoon, they are wiping their brows under their veils, chatting together.

Their memories of radio sometimes recall difficult times. “The first time I heard the radio”, Sohad says, “was to hear that America came and defeated the Iraqi government… I was so scared”. But radio is also a vector of hope, as Fatima says :”The radio gave me hope when we were under ISIS. I listened to it all day. Then ISIS destroyed the radios… and I cried, I missed it”.

Radio memories can also get more personal, like for Alya who wanted to become a journalist as a child, but couldn’t because her father did not want her to follow this path. Alya’s example illustrates the fact that here, it is unusual for women to speak out. Jasmina even says that she doesn’t want her family to listen to her during the radio program, because she feels it is not right.

For these women, the workshop opens a rare space of expression. Sharing a similar situation, they discuss about religion, forgiveness, music and education, allowing us to get a precious insight into displaced women’s life.

Listen here to the integral broadcast :

Translation : Rami